SV Training Limited: Complaints Policy for
The First Aid Team & Driveline Training
We aim to deliver our courses in the fairest and most efficient manner possible enabling all those who wish to join one of our courses the opportunity to do so where practicable and receive the training they have paid for.
Regrettably, it may well be that on occasion we do not achieve the high standards we set ourselves and you should except from us so we have put in place a simple complaints procedure to resolve any issues that may arise.
- Contact the trainer: The first step if you have a complaint is to speak to the Trainer, in private if necessary, who should try to resolve the problem immediately.
- Contact us: If you are not satisfied with the outcome or judge it inappropriate to speak to the Trainer then contact us where the following will take place:
- The Office Manager will review your complaint and contact anyone else involved to determine whether the complaint is justified and what, if any, remedial action is required. You should receive a response to the complaint within 14 days of lodging it. If your complaint cannot be resolved at this stage you may ask for it to be escalated to a Director of the Company.
- The Director (or another senior member of staff if the complaint involves the Director) will review the complaint, investigate it and determine what, if any, remedial action is required. You should have a response to your complaint within 14 days of it being escalated to the Director or other senior staff member
- If after giving the Company sufficient time to resolve your complaint then you may escalate it to one of the Governing or Awarding bodies who regulate the training we offer who will, in turn, carry out an investigation into the matter
For First Aid courses you should write, giving full details of the complaint to Qualsafe Awards, City View, 3 Wapping Road, Bradford, BD3 0ED, telephone 0845 644 3305, email
For CPC courses you should write, giving full details of the complaint to JAUPT, 9 Warren Yard, Warren Park, Stratford Road, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, MK12 5NW. You can email or telephone them on 0844 800 4184
Please note that we do not respond to comments on Feedback forms unless specifically stated that you require a response from us.