Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace – Teams based

The provision of appropriate Mental Health First Aid is a requirement for all employers and is just as important as physical First Aid. Studies have shown time and again, the importance of good mental health in the workplace, both for the sake of individual employees and for the fiscal health of the business in question. Therefore, we offer comprehensive Mental Health First Aid Training both in-house and as open courses

Who is it for?

The provision of appropriate Mental Health First Aid is a requirement for all employers, and is just as important as physical First Aid. Studies have shown time and again, the importance of good mental health in the workplace, both for the sake of individual employees, and for the fiscal health of the business in question. Therefore, we offer comprehensive Mental Health First Aid Training both in house and as open courses. These courses can be taught in person or online via Teams.


The 1-day Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace level 2 Course requires 7 hours of contact time, which can be split into two 3.5 hour sessions within a 4 week period.


There is a multiple-choice question paper at the end of the course.


If joining a Teams based course then you will need an appropriate device with sound and a camera. We would strongly recommend that a PC, laptop, iPad or similar is used rather than a smartphone.




Costs (all plus VAT)

At your premises National London Postcodes
6 delegates £495.00 £580.00
8 delegates £530.00 £615.00
16 delegates (max.) £760.00 £845.00

If spilt into 2 sessions then there is an additional charge of £260.00.

Teams based courses are charged at the National rate and are limited to a maximum of 8 candidates.

For open courses we charge £130.00 per person.

Course Content

  • An understanding of what is Mental Health
  • The role of Mental Health First Aiders
  • The law around Mental Health in the workplace
  • Promoting a positive attitude towards Mental Health
  • Identifying the characteristics of common Mental Health conditions including:
    • Work-related stress
    • Anxiety
    • Eating disorders
    • Depression
    • Self-harm
    • Psychosis
    • Suicide
  • Identifying the key features a Mental Health Action Plan.

Book Your On Site Course

Upon submitting your booking request we will check availability and get back to you to confirm. If the requested dates are available we will create and send an invoice which can be payable via bank transfer or cheque.


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